小小白哦 Release-1.0.5 Fix FontAwesome 6 incompatibility problem. 修复 FontAwesome 6 不兼容问题。 Release-1.0.6 Add button color transition animation; 添加按钮颜色过渡动画; Update the “Load More” button style. 更新“加载更多”按钮样式。 Release-1.0.7 Add settings page background; 添加设置页面背景; Add loading indicator style. 添加加载指示器样式。 Release-1.1.0 Add admin page support. 添加管理页面支持。 Release-1.1.1 Fine-tune the distance between the elements. 微调元素之间的距离。
k08255-lxm JntmIkun Failed to download zerosonesfun/elint from dist: The “https://api.github.com/repos/zerosonesfun/elint/zipball/832ba7d6d0c6320a5c259668da90b0500e789691” file could not be downloaded (HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found): {“message”:“Not Found”,“documentation_url”:“https://docs.github.com/rest/repos/contents#download-a-repository-archive-zip","status":"404″} Now trying to download from source Syncing zerosonesfun/elint (3.4) into cache 1/1 [============================] 100% In Git.php line 473: Failed to execute git clone –mirror – ’https://git...GxE:x-oauth-basic@gi thub.com/zerosonesfun/elint.git’ '/root/.cache/composer/vcs/https—github. com-zerosonesfun-elint.git/' Cloning into bare repository '/root/.cache/composer/vcs/https—github.com- zerosonesfun-elint.git’… remote: Repository not found. fatal: repository ‘https://github.com/zerosonesfun/elint.git/’ not found
小小白哦 让我们重新启程: Release-1.1.2 Fix bug of FoF OAuth; 修复 FoF OAuth bug; Add FoF Masquerade support. 添加 FoF Masquerade 兼容. Release-1.1.3 Display the background of the settings page only on the desktop to increase mobile compatibility. 仅在桌面上显示设置页面的背景,以提高移动兼容性。 Release-1.1.4 MIT license -> GPL-3.0 license MIT 许可证 -> GPL-3.0 许可证 Release-1.1.5 Update loading indicator style; 更新加载指示器样式; Update extend.php. 更新 extend.php。
JntmIkun 小小白哦 Release-1.1.5 Update loading indicator style; 更新加载指示器样式; Update extend.php. 更新 extend.php。 14569他说改就改