Litalino Emin I cleared the cache in ssh and admin still can’t find PanguJ in the account settings section
Emin Litalino If you open the global configuration in the admin pannel, it will hide the settings section in the user’s account. If it still doesn’t works, may i get your website link
Litalino @Emin Search pangujs cho result 1 Demo User: Demo and Pass: demo12345
Emin Litalino This has already works 🤣 If it’s not yet effective on your end, you can try this chrome force refresh
Litalino Thank you for your reply.. I don’t understand PanguJs very well so I don’t see the difference
Emin Litalino it’s nothing, pangujs is optimization in the face of typesetting,
Clamours 我在使用中有一点小问题:打开我的网站插件并没有起效果,中文字和英文之间并没有插入空白,但当我随意点击网页上的一个按钮后,插件才起效果,字符间插入了空白。请问这是什么原因?我的网站: